Tuesday, February 5, 2008

1 year old!!!

Where did the time go? A year ago Andrew and I were still in shock that we had a new life in our home. Kiwi was confused, I was a mess of hormones and sleep deprivation and Andrew was taking care of all of us AND we were still going through our home renovations. Fast forward a whole year and Owen has changed from a terrible sleeper to a pretty good one, Kiwi has accepted that Owen is a permanent fixture (in fact, Kiwi won't eat her food now unless Owen feeds it to her or watches her), I have flourished as a mother (in my own esteemed opinion), and Andrew - not only did he become a great dad, he did so while starting a new position at work and managing the home renovations AND completing a bunch of the finishing touches himself.

Back to Owen...when he was born the doctors told us he was below the 5th% in height and weight and this continued for months and months. Last night the doctors told us he is now in the 22nd% for height and 10th% percentile for weight - doesn't sound like much but for proud parents, music to our ears. He is a growing boy!

Anyhoo, Owen turned 1 on January 31st, 2008. He shares his birthday with Justin Timberlake which is why I assume he likes to dance so much. Yes, Owen is bringing sexy back.

We had a big football themed party on Saturday (in honour of Superbowl) and Owen entertained us all. He looked quite puzzled when we all sang Happy Birthday for him. In fact, he looked at us all like we were crazy. Then he had his first taste of cream cheese frosting on a chocolate cupcake....his eyes instantly widened and that cupcake was destroyed in a matter of minutes.

Owen's cake...clearly, I'm not a baker or a cake decorator

There was a cupcake there a minute ago

Thanks for sticking by us for the first year!

One of the looks Owen is currently giving us

Having a swing on a mild winter day


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Servidor, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://servidor-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.

Patrick said...

who's this servidore? way to get added to his/her blogroll...

anyway...happy belated b-day, owen! you've really turned into one cute kid! not that you weren't originally..well, you know what I mean...