Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sorry for the delay, but things have been a blur since Desiree has gone back to work & baby sitting for Owen has brought more home than just a change in behaviour. It feels like someone in our family is sick once a week. Desiree & Owen both had a fever over the Easter weekend & both are still feeling the affects today.

Since I like to keep things short and sweet I will highlight what has been going on in our house in a style I like to call...........Point form.

-Owen is talking A LOT, usually to himself & in a language only he could possibly understand.
-He does have his favourite words they are: "No Touch", "Bath", "Crash", "Dad or Daddy", & "teeth"
-We refer to Owen now as the Rooster.........See picture below as to why.
-Is starting to take steps. My bet is he will be walking by May
-Sleeps through the night............AWESOME!!
-Favourite foods are Kraft Dinner, Cheese & Fruit. If you asked him, " if he were to live on a deserted island & had only one thing left to eat for the rest of his life". His answer: Strawberries
-That is all I got..............See below for some pics

Gameboy Anyone.........?

The Rooster............ Picture of the Big Snow storm..........Whats left of trees at the side of our house
Owens imitation of Hulk Hogan
Owen before Daddy cut his hair.......
Owen after Daddy cut his hair..........

Live example of Owen talking on what he believes is a telephone.

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