Monday, September 3, 2007

7 Months Old!

In the last few weeks Owen has changed a lot. His daily schedule is bonkers due to teething, growth spurts. A few weeks ago I could tell you that Owen had a nice long nap in the morning and that he would sleep through the night 90% of the time. Since then, he would only catnap and wake up at least once during the night to feed. Owen has also started to fight naps and bedtime. I guess he doesn't want to miss anything. Andrew and I are trying to get Owen back on track, but its been quite the battle. After a few days, we've seen some improvement, so I guess we'll just have to keep at it.

Owen is all about the babbling now. Lots of Gagagas and Owahs, Aaahs and even some Ehs! He's even experimenting with the volume of his sounds. He's also into launching himself from the sitting position, forward into an almost crawl stance...but mostly he just nosedives for now and ends up on his belly.

Here are some photos from the last few weeks.

Uncle Derek and Owen at the park.

During our visit to the park, Kiwi met a 4 month old pug named Charlie...check out the stroller basket. They would chase each other around the stroller and then Charlie would jump in the basket for a quick break. It was pretty cute.

Trip to the CNE

So, Andrew and I decided that we should introduce Owen to our annual tradition of eating "dinner" at the Ex.

Here we are in the thick of the action. Owen doesn't seem so impressed.

Owen and Daddy taking a quick break for a bottle break.

All the sights and activity pooped Owen out.

Who needs a sippy cup?

Well, generally speaking Owen drinks water out of his sippy cup, but he really likes to chew on the rims of real cups. Here's Nanna and Owen.

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