Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lots and lots of updates...

Okay, to make up for the lack of posting lately, I've posted lots and lots of pictures below. Keep on scrolling down to see what the family has been up to lately.

Feeling Jumpy

Lola got Owen this jumpy thing. At first Owen wasn't sure what to make of it.

Then he got the hang of it.

And finally, he got a little tired by all the excitement and decided to take a little snooze.

Owen and Daddy

Andrew loves taking Owen into the tub.
Owen likes it too.
Andrew's first Father's Day - we went out for Eggs Benny!
I have no idea what these two are laughing at.

Owen and Milo, best friends?

Hey guys, look over here.
Owen: Hey Milo, look over there. I think our mothers want a dorky picture of us in our swim trunks.
Milo: Yeah, yeah...
Owen: Seriously, look up dude. And maybe put your hat back on.
Milo: Don't tell me what to do, little man.
Owen: Hey!
Milo: I told you not to mess with me.
**Seriously, Milo is a very gentle little guy and was not throwing his weight around despite what these pictures may communicate. We want Milo to come back and play again soon.

Rolling Over

Hmmmm...Whats over there?

If I just transfer my weight...

Whoah, steady now..

Almost there...

At last tasty toy sheep, you are mine!

Friday, June 8, 2007


So, we were at the Doctor's office at the beginning of the week and we were asked if Owen was starting to put everything in his mouth and if he was rolling over. Without wanting to admit that our son might be delayed in these developments we replied a non-commital, "...kind of". Well, since Thursday that has all changed. Within the course of one day (ONE DAY!) he decided that he would start grasping at items and put them in his mouth AND roll over.

Actually, the rolling over was pretty funny. He was on his back playing with his little floor mat gymnasium thingy, and since he was content I decided to run upstairs to grab something. When I came back downstairs moments later, he was on his tummy. I couldn't believe it. I turned him back on to his back and within seconds he was back on his tummy. Now, its his favorite thing. If he's not turned over, he's grunting on his way to getting turned over. Our baby started this week as a lump and now he's turned into an active baby that requires some supervision.

Here are some pictures from earlier in the week.
Daddy getting Owen used to the tub.
Relaxing after a hard day. (Don't worry, we aren't boiling the baby, the temperature was only 90 degrees)
Owen discovering that toys taste good.

Here is Owen and Mark. Doesn't Owen look a little scared of Mark's hair? Please excuse Mark's appearance, it was an impromtu visit and it was first thing in the morning. His hair is usually under the control of some product.
We miss you already Mark!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Catching up to date

Owen has been experiencing waves of crankiness these days, which is why updating the blog has been a bit of a challenge. The crankiness may have to do with the very beginning stages of teething (he's drooling like crazy) OR the fact that he's starting to know what he wants to do but finding it frustrating that he can't reach for what he wants yet or sit up when he wants.

Luckily, we still think he's pretty cute. He is talking lots more (he's becoming a little loudmouth actually) and he's still smiling and comfortable with strangers. He's rolled over from his front to his back, but not vice versa. His favorite things currently are: 1. His thumb/fist in his mouth, 2. looking in the mirror, 3. Playing swinging-like games, 4. Baths and 5. being read to (must be read to in a sing-songy voice.

Here are a bunch of pictures to catch up for the past week or so:

Andrew took this pictures while getting Owen ready for bed. I don't know why the tissue was added to the top of his head, but its funny.

Jill, Milo and Shannon came to visit last Sunday. It was a little bit of chaos, but very very fun. (Thanks to Dieter for catching the typo - Originally I stated that Jill, Owen and Shannon came to visit, but clearly that is Milo who visited us)

Owen in his new shirt given to him from Jill. He had just got back from visiting my office. Incidently, he was quite cranky while we were visiting my co-workers. Then he got home, pooped and then was in the BEST mood.

Here's Owen chilling out on the bean bag chair. He looks a little unsure about the whole thing, doesn't he?

Owen stuffing his fist in his mouth.

Owen telling his mother, he's had it with the photo shoot already!

4 months Old

Happy 4 month birthday to me, happy 4 month birthday to me....
"I kick, I stretch, and I KICK. I'm FOUR MONTHS OLD!"