Friday, June 8, 2007


So, we were at the Doctor's office at the beginning of the week and we were asked if Owen was starting to put everything in his mouth and if he was rolling over. Without wanting to admit that our son might be delayed in these developments we replied a non-commital, "...kind of". Well, since Thursday that has all changed. Within the course of one day (ONE DAY!) he decided that he would start grasping at items and put them in his mouth AND roll over.

Actually, the rolling over was pretty funny. He was on his back playing with his little floor mat gymnasium thingy, and since he was content I decided to run upstairs to grab something. When I came back downstairs moments later, he was on his tummy. I couldn't believe it. I turned him back on to his back and within seconds he was back on his tummy. Now, its his favorite thing. If he's not turned over, he's grunting on his way to getting turned over. Our baby started this week as a lump and now he's turned into an active baby that requires some supervision.

Here are some pictures from earlier in the week.
Daddy getting Owen used to the tub.
Relaxing after a hard day. (Don't worry, we aren't boiling the baby, the temperature was only 90 degrees)
Owen discovering that toys taste good.

Here is Owen and Mark. Doesn't Owen look a little scared of Mark's hair? Please excuse Mark's appearance, it was an impromtu visit and it was first thing in the morning. His hair is usually under the control of some product.
We miss you already Mark!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Wha... Owen's cute. I'm not.