Saturday, November 10, 2007


The past few weeks have been crazy. Owen caught an awful cold and was miserable. Then when he started to recover he caught a little diarrhea bug (passed on to his parents for a short while). While he was in remarkable in a good mood despite having the poops, he had me a little worried. Now that he's all better, he's full of energy and back to his mischevious self. We still found time to live a little and have some fun.

Speaking of fun...Owen has a budding social life. Owen started to visit a babysitter for short segments to get him ready for the transition to when I go back to work in February. At the babysitter's place he's met another little boy and is completely in love with the babysitter's puppy Golden Lab. Owen also goes to play group once a week. While there he does a little socializing with other babies, a little flirting with the one older lady (she's 3), and lots of experimenting and exploring. The other week he learned that linoleum floors aren't as tasty as they look (yes, he licked the floor). He has also learned to shove other toys out of the way when he crawls to get the toy he really really wants. Of course, babies don't know how to share yet so its always funny to watch Owen try to negotiate taking a toy away from another baby or when another baby takes a toy away from him. Luckily these kids are still easily distracted.

Lots of other stuff has happened this month, but I'll just let the pictures do the talking.

An absolutely stunning day at the farm in Mount Forest. Despite the reasons for being there, we had a lovely day. Exactly how my dad would have wanted things.

Just an ordinary day doing chores.

Andrew took this picture to prove that Owen may need a haircut soon. Unfortunately what this picture does not show is the relative thiness of the rest of the hair on Owen's head.
Owen's new favorite activity...crawling under the table.
Owen trying baby pasta....some of it went into his mouth.
Here is Owen at was a small class that day.

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