Sunday, July 1, 2007

Squirmy Baby

Owen, Daddy and Owen's big foot.

Owen just turned 5 months old. Andrew and I are amazed at how fast time has flied. In addition to rolling over (mostly from back to tummy; not so much the other way around) he loves to jump and "stand". He is expressing himself a lot...mostly in high pitched squeals. He laughs at our jokes and funny faces now too. Its not all giggles and grins though, teething is in full effect. He gets cranky and its obvious that his gums are itchy.
Here are the most recent family pics:

This is Owen trying to get out of his bumbo chair.

Here is another view.

Owen has new shoes thanks to Shannon Campbell. Thanks Shan.

Owen and Mommy at the Beach. We were there to watch Daddy play volleyball.

Owen and Daddy at the table. Hmmm..what is Owen doing?

Oh. Eating the table.

So, Owen is developing an interest in food. Here he is trying to get some of Daddy's hamburger. Yes, thats a melty string of cheese that Owen has stuck to his hands. Sneaky.
So, since Owen still isn't allowed any food other than his usual milk - he decided he'd check out what napkins are all about.
And finally he sees the motherlode - MILKSHAKE! Its so close to what he normally eats, yet so far.

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