Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cottage Weekend

So, we got to go to our good friend Jill's cottage. Owen had an awesome time. Here is a snapshot summary of our weekend:

First greetings from continued like that for the rest of the weekend.

On our way to the dock.

Trying to steal food as usual.

Taking a nap on the dock....what a life.

NO! I don't want to leave the dock.....I'll drool in protest.

This is NOT the hot tub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That Milo is seriously advanced for his age.

Back to the blog...

July 2007

Hey Everyone,

Sorry, its been a little nuts. After what seemed like weeks, no - months of being homebodies, we actually had a busy schedule.

Andrew continues to work on projects around the house - although no one seems to notice the improvements....I guess this means that all his hard work makes the house looks seamless and closer to being "finished". Andrew also went to a Atlanta for business - yup, he visited the main headquarters for Coke! I (Des) was quite jealous and mighty exhausted from being Owen's sole caregiver for a whole 3 nights and 3 days. Our little family is very happy that we're all back together again.

As for Owen, he is growing up faster than I would like. At least his hair is starting to fill in again. We finally caved in and started giving him very small amounts of rice cereal. It was just too cruel....he would scream and have tantrums every time he saw us eating. He was already practicing his "chewing". That, and the fact that he was wanting to nurse/bottle feed every other freaking hour was getting, he started eating his "liquidy-mush" 2 weeks earlier than the doctor wanted....but at least now, everyone is happy.

Owen is now able to sit up for very short periods of time. He is still wobbly, but with more practice, I expect he'll be able to play sitting up in the next few weeks. So far, spreading out pillows seems to lessen the blows when he loses his balance and face-plants.

As for me....I try to get my run in at least once or twice a week. Speaking of which, its a lovely day today and Owen's taking a nap so I guess I should be running now....but on with the blog.

Okay, here are the pictures you've all been waiting for:

In June 2007

First bites

I think he likes it.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Squirmy Baby

Owen, Daddy and Owen's big foot.

Owen just turned 5 months old. Andrew and I are amazed at how fast time has flied. In addition to rolling over (mostly from back to tummy; not so much the other way around) he loves to jump and "stand". He is expressing himself a lot...mostly in high pitched squeals. He laughs at our jokes and funny faces now too. Its not all giggles and grins though, teething is in full effect. He gets cranky and its obvious that his gums are itchy.
Here are the most recent family pics:

This is Owen trying to get out of his bumbo chair.

Here is another view.

Owen has new shoes thanks to Shannon Campbell. Thanks Shan.

Owen and Mommy at the Beach. We were there to watch Daddy play volleyball.

Owen and Daddy at the table. Hmmm..what is Owen doing?

Oh. Eating the table.

So, Owen is developing an interest in food. Here he is trying to get some of Daddy's hamburger. Yes, thats a melty string of cheese that Owen has stuck to his hands. Sneaky.
So, since Owen still isn't allowed any food other than his usual milk - he decided he'd check out what napkins are all about.
And finally he sees the motherlode - MILKSHAKE! Its so close to what he normally eats, yet so far.