Sunday, May 20, 2007


In the past few days Owen has become obsessed with sucking his thumbs. Okay, really he's become obsessed with putting his hands in his mouth and then he gets really really happy when one of his thumbs gets in his mouth - then he sucks the thumb greedily until he gets distracted or falls asleep. I spent a small fortune on pacifiers...listening to many people's advice who told me it would be easier to ween Owen off a pacifier than his thumb. We purchased ortho-approved pacifiers, glow in the dark pacifiers, pacifiers with Disney characters on them.....and Owen hates all of them.

After viewing the pictures below, I'm sure that you'll sympathize with us- how can we discourage such a simple pleasure to our little boy?

Mommy and Owen
Owen looking serious
Owen and Kiwi
Owen doing his best impression of Uncle Mike

Monday, May 7, 2007

Is he starting to look like his Mommy or vice versa?

Don't get me wrong...I love that Owen looks like his Daddy. Yes, he also resembles my father too. But I carried him for all those months and I had to recover from the C-section and so it was a teensy eensy bit disappointing that all I could claim that was mine was his ears....and that was only because no one really pays attention to ears, so I could claim them as my own. But lately Andrew has been saying that he's starting to look like me. I couldn't believe it. So, I put my best "Owen" face on (mouth open and wide eyed wonderment) and Andrew snapped a picture. Judge for yourself....

Here are some more pictures

He's a little fashion plate. And YES, that is spit-up on his sleeves.

Daddy cleaning up some major spit up off the kitchen floor.

Kiwi - extreme close up.

1st Family Road Trip

To take advantage of a beautiful spring weekend, the family took a trip to Port Dalhousie in St.Catherines. Why would we choose such a little town when Niagara on the Lake and Jordan were in such close proximity? For food of course!
I wanted to sample Anna Olson's food shop. The verdict? Olson's food shop ranked a solid, "so-so". The sandwiches were nothing to write home about. We had to try the desserts since I do enjoy watching her show "Sugar"....and Andrew and I actually felt like it the desserts were too sweet....too much marshmellow in the S'mores bar and too much merange on the lemon tart. However, her sticky bun with fruit was out of this world!

The Port Dalhousie Carousel was still closed...
But at least Andrew had his s'more to keep him happy.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

3 months old!

Time is moving a little too quickly in the Sinclair house. In the last 3 months since Owen was born, he has changed so much. He's gone from a skinny little lump to a strong and interactive baby. He "talks" a lot. Mostly in the evenings, Owen will go on for minutes giving us a review of his day or telling us a story. He is also more apt to "talk" to communicate his frustration with spending time on his tummy or his boredom of his mini gymnasium if we leave him under it too long. This is a world of difference from the Owen who was either quiet or crying.

Owen now recognizes who his mommy and daddy are and rewards us with smiles. He is also noticing objects in front of him. Andrew and I see the beginning actions of Owen grasping at things - a milestone for which we are both excited about and also dread.

With all this new self-awareness, Owen is learning about his likes and dislikes:
He likes the 5 little monkeys song and his Daddy "flying" him through the air. He doesn't like, being startled with a loud noise. Its pretty cute - it takes him a second or two to register the loud sound and then responds with a wail of his own.

Finally, our big boy made the move from sleeping in his cradle in our bedroom to sleeping in his crib in the nursery. And speaking of sleeping - last night was probably just a fluke, but he slept for over 7 hours - in a row.
(Waking up happy)

Bonus pic - here is Owen in his cloth diapers!