Thursday, April 19, 2007

Week 11

So many Diapers!

Excuse the lack of schedule when it comes to posting on this blog. Even though Owen can entertain himself for longer periods of time lately, I'm choosing to get housework and stuff (Yes, stuff includes wasting time on Facebook) done rather than updating the blog.
So here are the updates since Easter...

Owen went to the doctor for his first immunizations. Andrew and I wished we brought our camera to capture the moment. While we thought we had Owen under control - I was distracting him by feeding him a bottle - Owen screamed bloody murder after the first shot, then with the second shot - he let out an angry wail that let the Doctor know that he wouldn't be falling for it a third time. Its a good thing there were only two needles. Most parents would be feeling lots of empathy for their child in pain...but not Andrew and me. We couldn't stop giggling at how angry Owen was and how intent he was to let the doctor know about it. Yes, we are terrible parents.

The visit to the doctor confirmed what we already knew, that I hadn't just shrunk his clothes in the dryer, but that Owen had gained a significant amount of weight in the last month. Owen weighed in at 10.5 pounds. He's a little guy, but at least he's thriving and proportional.

Owen also is cooing a heck of a lot more. We only wish that he'd choose his coo-time more wisely. The other morning Owen woke us up at 4am, laughing to himself, in the dark, in his cradle. He was awake and having a great time. Now Andrew and I did find this pretty cute, but we would have found it way cuter if he did this at 6am or better yet, 8am.

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