Monday, April 2, 2007

2 Months

Sorry for the delay in updating the blog. Time just flies by and finding spare moments to update the blog some days seem impossible. Thankfully, Owen is down for a nap - now here comes the update.

This past week and a bit Owen reached the milestone age of 2 months old. He has been getting more and more interactive. He's starting to "talk" in response to our conversations with him. You can often overhear Andrew repeating to Owen...."Can you say Daddy? Say Daddy..."

He is becoming a good little sleeper too. A normal night now has him sleeping for 4 to 5 hours for one stretch. Of course, after that long stretch of sleep he's ready to party (usually around 4am) but he's pretty good about getting back to sleep for another 1-2 hours as a favour to his mommy. Also, he's starting to enjoy entertaining himself by watching his mobile or using his mini-gymnasium.

On Sunday April 1st, Owen and I attended a wonderful baby shower hosted by Nana Linda. The high chair that everyone contributed to will certainly be put to good use. I was overwhelmed with further gifts for Owen, who is on his way to being very spoiled. So, I extend my whole-hearted thanks and appreciation to everyone that attended or who had planned to attend. Of course, it goes without saying that I am very lucky to have a wonderful mother-in-law to have planned such a great shower. AND a very special thank you to Irene who decorated and facilitated the games and all in all was a great co-host.

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