Wednesday, February 28, 2007

1 Month Old!

To celebrate Owen's 1 month birthday AND the fact that it was a beautiful and sunny winter day, Des took him out for his first real walk in the buggy. Since it took like 25 minutes to get Owen ready, Des didn't have the energy to then wrestle Kiwi into her boots - so, Kiwi stayed home for this maiden voyage.

For some odd reason, once I put this funny hat on him from his Nana, he stopped crying.

Check out the layering to keep Owen nice and warm.

Other updates? Owen now weighs more than 7 pounds. Now he actually looks like he's wearing his clothes, instead of swimming in them. He's also hitting his crying stride much to his parent's dismay...this increase in crying is supposed to peak at the 6 week mark according to the books - we can't wait;)
Thats all for now!

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