Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Last or third post of 2008

Greetings friends and relatives! We hope this post finds you healthy and in a festive holiday spirit. We've had another wonderful year. Its amazing how much fun having a toddler around really is.
So lets get to it. We'll let the pictures do all the talking........

The summer was the busiest I can remember in a long time. We had 2 weddings (Derek's & cousin Leland), 2 camping trips, a weekend at Jill's cottage & a week in Vancouver. Here are some pictures of those events

Owen Chasing the chickens at our B&B on Saltspring Island in Vancouver.

Owen sitting with Uncle Mike & Auntie Irene on the ferry to Saltspring Island

Owen's shirt and tie that Uncle Derek & Aunt Jean bought him for the wedding. He looks like a big boy in this picture. Everyone at work thinks he is 4.

Mommy and Owen in the lake at Jill's cottage.

Owen enjoying his Chef Boyardee while camping.
Even though we settled down to routine in autumn - it was still lots of fun. Owen discovered the joy of kicking leaves. Then Owen fell in love with Thomas the Tank Engine and his obsession continues to this day.
Owen got his first haircut at an actual kiddie hair salon. He screamed most of the time and the talented hair stylist set a record for quickest hair cut - 2 minutes flat! Then we distracted him with smarties and all was right with the world again.
To prepare for Halloween we set off to a pumpkin farm and had a great time. After choosing our pumpkin it was hard to separate Owen and the train he found.
For Halloween we decided to put the pressure on Owen early - here is our great hope for the future - Dr. Owen. On second thought, the more Andrew and I deal home ownership, the more we want Owen to become an electrician, plumber, anything with a practical skilled really!
The Christmas Holidays have ramped up our scheduling again - lots of decorating and parties and entertaining. Owen calls the gingerbread house we (he mostly just ate smarties again) made a "cookie house". He patiently waits to eat his chocolate from his advent calendar every day. He helps sing "jingle bells" by yelling out an enthusiastic "HEY!" at the end of every line.

Owen putting his very first ornament on the Xmas tree & helping daddy with the outdoor tree lights.

Family picture at the Coca-Cola Xmas Party Owen with the Santa.......How good of a Santa is he???

Owen's favourite rides at the Xmas party. "Thomas the train" ride and the merry go round.
Thats our photo summary to date. We look forward to sharing more pictures with you in 2009.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!