Friday, January 18, 2008

2008 so far so good!

I'm sure you are all wondering how the holidays went for this particular clan of was GREAT! Owen was of course spoiled by everybody, clothes, a red wagon with cupholders(!), new safe bottles, and toys galore. Andrew and I enjoyed watching Owen play with the packaging of stuff as opposed to the actual gifts. We also all enjoyed the holiday food. As I look back on it, we enjoyed at least 3 Christmas-y meals during the holidays. It wasn't all sugar plums though...

Owen caught a nasty flu bug right before Christmas and managed to pass it on to Daddy, Nana and Auntie Irene. Then Andrew and I decided that we needed to take a united stance on Owen's inconsistant sleep paterns. So, we took the plung and Ferber-ized the child (allowing him to cry at 3, 5, 7 and 10 minute intervals until he learns to fall asleep on his own). I'm not going to lie, it was a very rough couple of nights (and days). But it was productive and while Owen's sleep isn't 100% perfect, it is a vast improvement to what it was. Its a work in progress.

The new year has already started off strong. Owen officially has 4 teeth, is really into making expressive and hilarious faces, and is eating lots and lots of new foods including grapes and of course, Kraft Dinner. Owen has also discovered how to climb up our stairs (yikes). Andrew and I are in the midst of planning Owen's first birthday party. We've started playgroup again and we now have a wider social circle of babies and moms who we visit or who come to visit us. I can't stay home with my baby forever, so I'm planning to return to work in Mid-March. I'm incredibly sad that the year has flown by so quickly and I have to leave Owen with our wonderful sitter but, I'm also just a little bit excited to have some "Desiree" time back.

Enough about us...on to what you guys really want - PICTURES!

Posing in front of the tree...

Enjoying the snow

Playing peek-a-boo from behind his hood.