Monday, October 8, 2007

$1 toy!

Check out the big toy we picked up at a garage sale today...for a dollar.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Puerto Rico

Andrew had to go to Puerto Rico for a work conference so Owen and I decided that we should go and keep him company. Andrew went ahead to do some actual work. Owen and I met him there later in the week to stay for a couple of days. The planning for this trip was incredible. A few days away with a baby and I felt like I packed half of our kitchen. Bottle warmer? check. Jarred baby food? check. Dishes and utensils? check.

Thanks to some empty seats on the flights down and some Gravol on the way back, Owen was a very good flyer. That being said, I don't think that Andrew and I will be rushing to put Owen back on plane for just any old trip. Also, I vowed that unless its a big emergency, there is absolutely no way that I'd travel on a plane ALONE with Owen, especially with connections. Keeping Owen entertained on the airplane, making tight connections and hauling the luggage kept me sweating the whole way.

Owen excited to get on the airplane.

But all the sweat was worth it for the change of scenery. Palm trees, sand, the ocean - it was great. The weather was a little unstable at times, but for the most part it was fabulous. Old San Juan was really nice but I think that Owen's favorite part of the trip was eating his lunch on the beach everyday. Owen's other most favorite thing about Puerto Rico wooden highchairs. He'd never been in one previous to this trip and he freakin' loved it.

On the streets of Old San Juan

On the hotel grounds.

See how much he loves being in these high chairs? It was like this every time!

Check out the view.

While we were there a political convention was taking place at our hotel. It was loud and crazy. The Puerto Rican people that we encountered were all very friendly, and this rally was a great excuse for partying. There was lots of music and people. Luckily Owen slept through the noise...even when Andrew and I would get awakened at 3am by some revellers yelling off their balcony.

The conventioneers welcoming some candidate to the hotel.

Here are some more pictures.

Owen really like being in the ocean, but he wasn't a big fan of the sand.


Owen snuggling in the blankets after a dip in the ocean.

Looking at the ducks.

Having lunch on the beach isn't the tidiest thing to do.

September Sun

September passed us by rather quickly. It all seems like quite the blur now that we are well into October now. In this month Owen matured a lot. He all of a sudden realized what he wanted, when we wanted it and knew what he had to do when he wanted to get it. This resulted in a lot of vocalization. Since Owen was still pretty immobile at the beginning of the month he experienced some frustrations (so did Andrew and I). However, it was very exciting to watch him interact with toys and other household items in a new way. He all of a sudden had favorite toys and books that he didn't get tired of.

What else happened this month? While coming home from work, Andrew was rear ended on the 401....he was stopped in traffic when an old man drove into him. The old man didn't even attempt to brake prior to the crash, he explained to Andrew that he was looking up at the signs. Luckily Andrew was fine but the new car wasn't so lucky. Its all fixed now.

Here are some photos from the month.

Here is Owen trying on a new hand-me-down from the Hansons. We later tried out the contraption in the hot tub.
Owen found a new use for his Bumbo...chew toy.
Here Owen was trying to crawl really hard so he could get that leaf into his mouth.
Here he is realizing that laundry baskets are really fun. First he threw a shoe into the basket, then he dumped out the basket and didn't even help to fold his diapers.