Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I can't wait to show this to his friends when he is older

If you have a weak stomach, I would suggest you skip this post. If you think you can handle a little potty humor, then I present to you the progession of the "poo face".

Phase 1:
Phase 2:Phase 3:

Phase 4:We have POO:

Week 7 begins

Owen has been cracking Andrew and I up with his facial expressions this week. We think we've seen a REAL smile or two....but they've been mostly directed to objects he sees and not his proud parents' faces.

For the sake of time (ie. I have little of it), here are a bunch of pictures taken in the past week.

Here is Owen having a great time with his 8 month old buddy Finn:


Owen taking a real interest in our friend Shannon's original artwork:

For those of you who continued to be concerned about Kiwi here is one to prove that she is not totally depressed with Owen's arrival and continues to be a participating member of our family:

I put Owen down for some supervised tummy time and he fell asleep within seconds....lazy boy.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Week 6

Well I'm (Des) thrilled today because I got a fantastic sleep, all things considered. Owen slept for a 3 1/2 hour stretch followed by another 3 hour sleep, after his middle of the night feeding. I almost have a spring in my step.

This past week Owen had lots of visitors. Shannon and Sandra came for a visit bringing pizza (my all time favorite food so therefore, its Owen's favorite food). I'm wondering if Sandra is still pregnant...I think today is her due date! On Friday afternoon, my co-workers, Debbie and Gloria came to meet Owen and check out our new kitchen...they were only slightly more impressed with Owen. Then, the same afternoon, my Aunt Marie and Uncle Eddie came to meet Owen for the first time. Owen impressed them all with his strength and capacity for gas. On Sunday our very good friends Bonnie and Jay from Almonte came for a wonderful visit. We were a stop on their March break southern Ontario tour. Its been a whirlwind of a week.

Here are a couple of pictures that were taken inbetween visitors:

Playful Owen

Serious Owen

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Week 5

We've had quite the week!

Owen has started to make baby noises other than crying and passing gas. We've heard lots of "AAHS", "AYIES" and "OOHOOHS". He is also noticing objects around him. So far he likes to look at windows and lights and occassionaly he checks out his hands.

Unfortunately, Owen has experienced some discomfort with gas or colic the past few days. After a few hours of crying, Andrew and I have learned to soothe him with warm baths and some skin to skin contact of our bellies. These tactics, as well as vigilent burping after he eats, seem to have helped him - for today at least.

Owen had an exciting day on Sunday because he attended his first baby shower - for Sandra Witty. We can't wait for Owen's new friend to arrive. In the 1 hour and 10 minutes that we lasted at Miriam's house, he managed to charm the ladies, fill his diaper and cry like crazy. We were very fortunate that Daddy didn't go far so he could pick us up very quickly.

A few of our friends and family have mentioned that I (Des) haven't been in any of the recent pictures of the blog, so here is a recent picture of the family that Nana Linda took of us, just to prove that I'm still alive and kicking (maybe not high-kicking, but kicking nonetheless).